I took a sidestep from converting an FML Rosenberg to having a shot at an Austrian general to accompany the Feldmarschall- Leutnant on a command base. I used the staff officer figure from Pendraken’s Austrian High Command pack (NPA26).
First of all, I ground down the staff officer’s sash with a rotary tool. I then chopped off his right hand and the map or written orders he was holding. After this butchery, I needed to model some fingers on his right hand, the front of his collar, the right tail of his coat, and some of his sash. He had to have his double-breasted coat front changed to the single- breasted one of a general’s jacket. I chose to remodel his hat, making it larger and attempting the lace and bow of Austrian officers’ bicornes. I also gave him a more pointy nose! His bicorne hat was quite big but it was built over the existing hat so was always going to be on the large side. Most illustrations showed Austrian officers wearing bicornes in the style of Rosenberg‘s in the last post. I had attempted to copy Christopher Rothero’s illustrations in David Hollins’ Austrian Commanders of the Napoleonic Wars that favoured perhaps more old-fashioned styles. It must be noted that Rosenberg is rated in most rule-sets as a ‘terrible’ and uninspiring leader. I liked that I had a general to accompany him that looked somewhat foppish and old fashioned.

Austrian General Conversion

I ended up with what I thought was a respectable Austrian general. The figure was, in fact, my first ever Pendraken 1809 general. Other than Archduke Charles and his staff officer, there were to date no generals – French or Austrian – in the Pendraken 1809 range.
POST 133