with a putty pointing hand. I had to remember to add a hilt to the empty scabbard. The extended arm also needed something of a cuff added to the sleeve. This pointing figure, I thought, was a good companion figure for General Boudet with the general leaning forward as if taking note of whatever the foot officer was pointing at.
To identify Boudet’s command base as a General of Division’s rather than a corps commander’s (see Post 38), I decided to use a 25mm round base. As Boudet was a commander of an infantry division, I thought I might as well include a foot figure on the base as well. I decided to use one of my new AIM castings (see Post 171). My AIM job-lot came with two var- iations of French line infantry officer. I chose one of these. I began by chopping off the figure’s shako. I sculpted a new bicorne hat with putty and added a cockade and lace. As he now had a bicorne hat, I had to carefully remove his shako’s chin straps with a scalpel blade. I covered over the sides of his head with putty side burns and ears, giving him a more fuller face. This, I thought, beefed up the figure a little to mix better with the other miniature ranges. I also cut off the figure’s sword hand and replaced it
A Sidekick for General Boudet
POST 175