Figures At Last!

January saw the arrival of the eagerly awaited first Pendraken samples. I had made an all- French order: some light infantry chasseurs, light infantry carabiniers, chasseurs à cheval, and mounted dragoons. This meant I had all the available troop types to be able to play around with base sizes. As there was no artillery in the range as yet, there were sadly no guns to experiment with. I was very pleased with the figures, thinking them just as charming in 3D as they were in the photographs on the Pendraken website. I was immediately impressed by the obvious difference in ‘weight’ between the light and the heavy cavalry. However, I ordered the first samples at the beginning of January before I had decided which battle to focus on. No dragoons were present at the battle of Aspern- Essling so my dragoons were destined to stay in  barracks for the foreseeable.
ABOVE My first Pendraken 10mm 1809 French Napoleonic sample packs. BELOW 10mm French light infantry trying out 25mm square MDF bases. It’s been usual from the days of Games Workshop’s Warmaster to mount 10mm infantry on an 8mm frontage with a 10mm depth and cavalry with an 10mm frontage with a 20mm depth. My plan, however, was to use a 25mm base size as much as possible.