A pat on the back seems quite sufficient a reward for winning a wargames figure painting competition – not that a Légion d’honneur and a pension to go with it would be sniffed at. I was delighted with my prize for coming runner up in the Pendraken Painting Competition Open Army category (see the last post). Straight away, I ordered a few Pendraken packs with the generous £10 discount I had been awarded, all English Civil War models – but to use as Napoleonic scenery not to start a new project! I also won a 10mm village set from Total Battle Miniatures – a village set of a resin church with a choice of steeple roofs and four other buildings together with a latex base with a perimeter of walls and hedgerows. When I saw the other 10mm buildings the company had on offer – all shrunken footprint models but with the correct scale height – I was so impressed I ordered five more buildings. I also hoped my order would repay in some small way the generosity of Pete and Mark at TBM in sponsoring and donating to the competition. I planned to get to work on these new build- ings as soon as possible as I thought they were so right for my project that I had every intention they would replace the models I had already painted to be my Essling village.

More than a Pat on the Back

POST 144