Wallach-Illyria Grenz Regiment No. 13

Back in Post 36, I posted my attempt at painting a trial Pendraken Grenz infantryman figure. I painted the figure as a member of the 13th regiment with light pike grey facings. I needed to finish off a battalion of the regiment so got to work on the remaining figures. First of all, the Pendraken drummer figure and the two Pendraken rank-and-file figures all sported outdated pigtails, so they had to be cut off. I then made several changes to my previous colour choices. As I mentioned in Post 36, I had based my choice of brown jacket colour on the Osprey colour plate in Austrian Army of the Napoleonic Wars (1): Infantry. However, the colour reproduction in a different copy of the book I happened to see was more in keeping with the colour used in the majority of illustrations of Grenz infantrymen. So I ditched Foundry’s Peaty Brown 61B in favour of a redder brown: Foundry’s Spearshaft Shade 13A. According to regulations, the Grenzers had been due to change jacket colour from
white to brown in late 1808 but by 1809 only some of the Grenz regiments had made the change. Belt colour was meant to change as well but, according to specialist author David Hollins, white belts were not replaced by black belts until after the Danube campaign. I also decided to paint the rolled cloak on the backpack red rather than grey. I ignored what looked suspiciously like French inner turnbacks on the Pendraken figures, just painting the outer ones facing colour. I couldn’t find any reference for brass chinstraps on Grenzer officers’ shakos but the Pendraken officer obviously had them – just like his French counterpart. I also painted some Old Glory Grenzer figures for the 13th Regiment. Old Glory’s Grenzers – like the Pendraken Grenzers – came in four figure poses, all with a nice natural poise about them. The Wallach-Illyria Grenz Regiment No. 13, a Banat Military Border regiment, had light pike grey facings. However, it’s unclear if the colour was only adopted after 1809 and whether in 1809 the regiment’s
facings were actually a shade of blue. My original source, Osprey’s Austrian Army of the Napoleonic Wars (1): Infantry, didn’t give any indication of a previous colour.
POST 124