Desert Yellow Primer

I mentioned back in Post 99 that I bought a can of Army Painter desert yellow spray primer and that I thought it might become my light colour primer of choice for 10mm. I sprayed a good-sized motley collection of deflashed and washed figures. I got to work straight away on my Rosenberg conversion (see Post 134) as a first shot with the desert yellow primer. I began as normal, giving the figure a wash of brown acrylic paint to give depth and bring out the detail. The desert yellow colour itself was warm and bright which I was very happy with. The primer finish was much better than any of the paint sprays like the Montana sprays (see Post 27) that came in great colours but could end up with an unhelpfully shiny finish that frustratingly resisted paint. I found that giving the figures a quick wash of brown paint helped overcome this problem by giving the paint something to adhere to. On the other hand, the Army Painter finish didn’t have as obviously a matte primer finish as, say, a Halford’s car spray primer that I had also been using (see the sprayed figure in Post 133). This was because the Army Painter primer was intended as a primer and colour spray in one.
POST 138