Regiment Advance Guard Division 2 Schwarzenberg Uhlans 1 Jäger Stipsicz Hussars No.10 IR3 Erzherzog Karl (German) Division FML Dedovich 2 Moravian Volunteers Grenz Walach-Illyria No.13 IR8 Erzherzog Ludwig (German) IR22 Koburg (German) IR9 Czartoryski (Walloon) IR55 Reuss-Greitz (Walloon) 6 Rosenberg Chevauxlegers Guns of IV Corps (1:6) Brigade Artillery 6lb Horse Artillery 6lb Reserve Artillery 6lb Reserve Artillery 12lb
Regiment Advance Guard Division Carneville Freikorps infantry Carneville Freikorps cavalry Grenz Walach-Illyria No.13 Erzherzog Ferdinand Hussars No.3 6 Rosenberg Chevauxlegers Division FML Hohenloe IR44 Bellegarde (Italian) IR46 Chasteler (German) IR2 FZM Hiller (Hungarian) IR33 Graf Sztaray (Hungarian) Guns of IV Corps (1:6) Brigade Artillery 6lb Horse Artillery 6lb Reserve Artillery 6lb
Total 917 770 861 1,330 993 650 2,400 2,368 2,140 692 450 48/34 24 12 6 6
1:50 18.34 15.4 17.22 26.6 19.86 13 48 47.36 42 13.84 9 8
Units (7) 8 1 8 (3) 2   1 1 3 3 3 (2) 1 4
Figs 16 15 16 24 18 12 42 42 42 12 8 Guns 4 2 1 1
Commander FML Klenau Oberst Hardegg Oberst Frelich FML Dedovich Oberst Gratze GM Grill GM Neustädter
Total 208 115 650 821 450 1,620 1,580 3,050 2,470 34 16 6 6
1:50 4 2 13 16 9 32 31 61 49 5
Units 1 1 1 8 4 (3) 2 (3) 2 3 x 18 3 x 18
Figs 3 2 12 16 8 30 30 54 54 Guns 3 1 1
Commander FML Rohan GM Carneville GM Stutterheim FML Hohenloe GM von Riese GM Reinhard
4th COLUMN (IV KORPS) : FML Dedovich (Rosenberg)
5th COLUMN (IV KORPS) : FML Hohenlohe (Rosenberg)