Sizing Up

I sized up the Magister Militum figures I picked up at Claymore with their Pendraken counterparts with the intention of adding a bit of variety to the Pendraken marching line. Returning to that familiar wargames question of whether figures from different ranges mix well (see Post 24 for Pendraken and Old Glory comparisons), I thought that the Magister Militum figures would look fine alongside the Pendraken sculpts – although they do have much chunkier heads – and the odd figure could easily be sneaked in amongst the masses of the Pendraken rank-and-file.

August 2012 10mm UK Prices

With Pendraken upping their prices, I was interested to see how the price of Napoleonic 10mm figures compared across the available ranges. Manufacturers produce all sorts of different sized packs at different prices. I made a comparative list of prices per figure, and included some manufacturers I hadn’t yet bought from but might be of interest in the future.
Four 10mm Magister Militum (left) and two Pendraken Austrian line infantry figures sized up against one another.
* cheaper price when buying 6 packs for the price of 5 10mm prices vary dramatically with no general agreement over how much more an artillery gun should be over a mounted model and a mounted over a foot figure. 10mm manufacturers charging the higher rates may need to keep an eye on the prices of future 15mm plastic releases aiming at 20p per foot figure. A true comparison of what manufacturers offer would need to include the price of postage and packing. However, so far I’ve managed to pick up the majority of my mini-troops postage free from wargames shows.
10mm Manufacturer Pendraken old price Pendraken new price Old Glory strips per figure Old Glory individual figures Magister Militum Redline Irregular GHQ
Foot 11.6p 13.3p 12p or 10p* 13p or 10.8p* 16.1p 13.3p 15p 22p
Mounted 23.3p 26.6p 40p or 33.3p* 41.6p 33.3p 30p 45.8p
Gun & 4 Crew 116.6p 133.3p 152p 166.6p 133.3p 90p 281p