RIGHT Redline (left) and Pendraken (right) Austrian artillery gunners. BELOW 10mm Austrian artillery crews line up: three Redline, three Pendraken, three Magister Militum, and a couple of Old Glory French gunners for reference.

Austrian Artillery Line Up

Compared with the French, the Austrian sample pack was a completely different story. The Redline and the Pendraken artillery gunners lined up beautifully. The Redline miniatures were obviously designed to be slimmer and more natural than the more chunky Pendraken figures. Nonetheless, right away the future of the 10mm 1809 project looked brighter and more exciting. Currently out of stock, I certainly planned to order some of the Redline Austrian infantry when they became available – at the same time hoping that the future releases of Austrian cavalry would be just as compatible with their Pendraken counterparts – having horses many hands higher than my French Redline samples.