The Month of the Pendraken Painting Competition

It hadn’t slipped my notice that February was again the month of the Pendraken painting competition (see Post 14). I had no real idea what to submit – or even if I would have anything worthy of submitting – but it seemed like a good idea to try and join in the fun. One possible contender was a conversion I began in February. I had a go at adapting a supply wagon and team from the Seven Years War range – from pack SYW2. There were two variations of wagon in the pack. I chose a tarpaulin-covered one. It required some gap-filling where the cover met the wagon, and I added a few extensions to the rope tying down the tarpaulin. I kept one of the horses – finishing off with putty its bridal on one side that hadn’t come out in the casting – and substituted a limber rider from the French line limbers pack (NPF29) for the second horse. I snipped off the rider’s plume and rounded off a pom-pom with putty. Also with putty, I built-up the peak of the right side of his shako to give him a stronger profile. I snipped the legs off a French artillery gunner and stuck him sitting on the wagon, hitching a lift. I gave him new putty legs and feet, right hand, coat tails, and sword scabbard.
LEFT The original components including the French gunner with his legs snipped off.