The Ten Thousand

The beginning of February marked a milestone of some sort for my 1809 Blog. The Blog had its 10,000th visit on the first day of the month. It had taken only nine months to clock up the tally as although my 1809 project began in January 2012, the 1809 Blog didn’t go online until the first day of May (see Post 22). It was likely that since the Blog had become an HTML site (see Post 61) that it had begun to attract more visitors able to find it much more easily on search engines. That certainly appeared to be the case as visitor numbers increased considerably in January – although visits continued to come mostly from The Miniatures Page, the Pendraken Forum coming a high second. It was encouraging to know that the Blog was attracting a reasonable number of visitors – certainly more than enough to give me the confidence to continue blog posting my 1809 project into 2013. But numbers weren’t everything. Anyway, I’d never been a numbers man. I put greater value on the small number of fellow enthusiasts who took the time to encourage me with their positive feedback posted on the wargames forums. Another number count around the same time that was good to see was the 6,000th view of my Blog post on the Pendraken Forum.