Austrian ADC

I converted a Pendraken French hussar to an aide-de-camp a while back (see Post 50). I thought it was about time the Austrians had an ADC as well. I used a Pendraken Austrian hussar – almost the same figure as the French hussar. I snipped off the sabre and right hand, which took the horse’s ear off too. I needlessly remodelled the horse’s ear as the ADC’s written orders – that I’d modelled and allowed to cure before attaching – obscured it entirely. I modelled an oversized hand to hold what was a chunky piece of stationery. The hardest thing to do was to cut away all of the figure’s carbine that had to be removed. It required a bit of Dremel work to get the last of it drilled away. The figure’s right thigh needed a little putty- modelling afterwards. The figure itself suffered from some pitting and required a little hole filling, especially a gap in the horse’s reigns.

Odds and Ends

An unfortunate few of my Pendraken Austrian cavalry horses were missing the inner ends of manes and tails, making them look rather awkward. I thought it best to finish off the ends with a little green-stuff sculpting.